How OREF-funded Research has Helped Your Practice



Henry H. Bohlman, M.D.
Henry H. Bohlman, M.D.
Research Grant Recipient

"I believe the whole concept of anterior decompression for spinal cord injuries, which was developed in conjunction with the experimental work, has revolutionized the care of spinal cord injuries."

Topic: Investigated mechanical factors affecting recovery of incomplete spinal cord injuries.

Patient Care Application of Results: The possibility to recover some or all function after a spinal cord injury.


Stuart L. Weinstein, M.D.
Stuart L. Weinstein, M.D.
Research Grant Recipient
OREF Clinical Award Recipient

"The funding for this particular project would have been unavailable from any other source, and I am grateful to OREF for funding this endeavor and providing orthopaedic surgeons worldwide the fundamental information about the natural history of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis required to make sound treatment decisions."

Topic: Studied untreated late onset scoliosis.

Patient Care Application of Results: Patients receive care that’s right for them, lessening the pain and complications of scoliosis with minimal risks.

Learn more about Dr. Weinstein's research

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Nancy H. Miller, M.S., M.D.
Nancy H. Miller, M.S., M.D.
Career Development Award Recipient

"There would be no way I could have done this without the OREF Career Development Award. It was a big step up."

Topic: Studying which genes cause familial idiopathic scoliosis, and what specific mutations lead to the disease.

Potential Patient Care Application of Results:
Potential screening for at-risk individuals, development of more specific treatments through tailored therapies and counseling, and an increased understanding of how genetics influence spinal growth and stability.

Learn more about Dr. Miller's research















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