How OREF-funded Research has Helped Your Practice


Hand & Upper Extremity

 Richard A. Berger, M.D., Ph.D.
Richard A. Berger, M.D., Ph.D.
Research Grant Recipient

"The scapholunate ligament is the most frequently ruptured wrist ligament. This research has led to substantially enhanced understanding of the course, pattern and treatment for rupture of the scapholunate ligament."

Topic: Comprehensively analyzed the scapholunate joint of the human wrist.

Patient Care Application of Results: New surgical procedures that can help heal injured wrists. 


Matthew M. Tomaino, M.D.
Matthew M. Tomaino, M.D.
Research Grant Recipient

"The OREF grant gave me my initial visibility and credibility as a young investigator clinician and stimulated a zeal for research."

Topic: Analyzing force distribution in the forearm.

Potential Patient Care Application of Results: Better treatment for forearm injuries that disrupt stability between the radius and the ulna, resulting in less pain and faster healing.

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