How OREF-funded Research has Helped Your Practice



Robert L. Satcher Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Robert L. Satcher Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Resident Research Award Recipient
Zimmer Career Development Award Recipient 

"If orthopaedics is going to continue to improve, it is going to be through research that is carried out intelligently and effectively. Supporting research is essential to the continuing improvement and evolution of orthopaedics."

Topic: Studied bone at the cellular level to learn how it responds as a whole to the various stresses thrust upon it, as well as how it responds to the absence of those stresses.

Potential Patient Care Application of Results: New materials that promote bone growth could be used in patients to reconstitute areas of bone lost due to trauma, surgery, and/or cancer.

Learn more about Dr. Satcher's research


Kristy L. Weber, M.D.
Kristy L. Weber, M.D.
Research Grant Recipient 
Zimmer Career Development Award Recipient

"The OREF grant allowed me to continue basic cancer research. It provided the necessary funds to obtain data, which turned into further grant support. It gave me the confidence to continue pursuing scientific goals."

Topic: Investigating how kidney cancer metastasizes, moving from the kidney into the bone.

Potential Patient Care Application of Results: Could alleviate a kidney cancer patient’s pain and suffering by stopping kidney cancer before it moves into the bone. This would prevent the cancer from causing destructive holes in the bone that can result in fractures and, in cases where it enters the spine, paralysis.

Learn more about Dr. Weber's research

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