OREF Highlights

OREF launched its Web site in 1997. The OREF Web site contained information about grants, the application process, and the role OREF plays within the orthopaedic world. Subsequent improvements to the site have made it possible to submit grant applications electronically, facilitating the process for OREF staff and reviewers as well as the applicants.

The site also features an expanded section detailing how to give to OREF, including a sophisticated guide on financial planning and planned giving. Also on the site, corporate supporters are honored for their contributions, and we have begun to add quotes and profiles of researchers who have received OREF funding. These profiles help to explain directly the practical importance of the research we fund. Past issues of OREF's quarter newsletter, Impact, and a list of past grant recipients are also available online.


"We have had our grant application in electronic format on our Web site for six years. This allows us to provide interested investigators with the materials more efficiently, and it has made preparation of the application material easier for them."

Jean McGuire
Vice President, Grants