OREF Highlights

Annual giving is the lifeblood of support for many not-for-profit organizations, and this is the case here at OREF. The bulk of the research we fund each year emanates from the contributions to our Annual Campaign.

In 1981 OREF sought to increase Annual Campaign contributions and enhance recognition for supporters by forming the Order of Merit. Since that time, OREF has received more than 28,000 contributions at the Order of Merit giving level. Order of Merit categories were established in this manner:

Summa Cum Laude $5,000 & Above
Magna Cum Laude $2,500 - $4,999
Cum Laude $1,000 - $2,499

OREF is now exploring how to enhance supportthrough our successful Order of Merit program.


"OREF is integral to the future of our profession. Its activities support research, professional development, and education endeavors specifically for and by orthopaedic surgeons. Contributing to OREF is one way I can ensure that improved treatments are developed for my patients and those of all orthopaedic surgeons."

John S. Kirkpatrick, M.D.